Beck follows Yukio “Koyuki” Tanaka, a disillusioned teenager whose life changes when he meets the charismatic guitarist Ryusuke “Ray” Minami. Before this encounter, Koyuki’s world is mundane, revolving around Japanese pop music and an uneventful school life. Ray introduces him to Western rock music, sparking an awakening in Koyuki and inspiring him to learn the guitar. This newfound passion not only drives Koyuki to improve his musical skills but also helps him form deeper relationships, notably with Ray’s sister, Maho, who becomes a key emotional support and love interest for Koyuki.
The manga delves deeply into the struggles of pursuing a career in music, exploring the challenges faced by Koyuki and his band, Beck. Along the way, they encounter obstacles such as industry politics, internal conflicts, and the pressure to succeed in the competitive world of rock. The series beautifully captures the raw passion of live performances, band dynamics, and the personal growth of its characters. Koyuki’s journey from a shy, uncertain boy to a skilled guitarist and vocalist is central to the story, which also offers a rich commentary on friendship, perseverance, and the love of music.